Glenorie Announced 2017 Club of the Year

We're excited to announce Glenorie Horse & Pony Club has been awarded 2017 Club of the Year by Pony Club NSW!
Pony Club NSW wrote: "This year, with a HUGE thanks to Horseland we were able to present the Club of the Year Award to a NSW Pony Club who has fostered participation and enjoyment, showed innovation in administration, skills development & personal growth, and has provided opportunities for all members and their community!
The winner of the 2017 Club of the Year award receives a glass trophy, Horseland gift bag and $500!
Congratulations to this years winner - Glenorie Horse & Pony Club in Zone 26!"
Our Club would not be what it is today without the dedication and support of all our wonderful members, who we look forward to celebrating this achievement with!
A special thanks to Horseland for their support of this Award.